
Space art, feral chickens, alternative phones and more

  1. Using the gravity of Jupiter ↑

  2. ‘It’s getting worse’: Hawaii’s feral chickens are taking over downtown Honolulu: This summer, neighbors spontaneously joined other neighbors, whom they didn’t know before, on missions to hunt and catch the roosters that were keeping them all up at night. “They are pretty fast and fly up on the power lines or on someone’s roof, where you can’t reach them.” /via Austin Kleon

  3. Reforestation is more cost-effective than previously thought: natural regeneration—where the land is allowed to regrow on its own—could sequester more carbon at a lower cost than conventional reforestation methods. / via linkpunk

  4. AI Can’t Save Us By Itself: AI isn't ready for critical services. /via SC 2.4.4

  5. tramstertram: A minimalist town builder with trams to play in your browser.

  6. The new Mudita phone looks cool, same for the Light Phone 3.